July 2023
Nature Mornings at the Crossroads – Butterflies
Join one of our naturalists for some free family-oriented activities and nature exploration. Suitable for all ages, the program will focus on butterflies, masters of transformation. Seek our summer butterflies in Crossroads’ gardens, meadows and fields. Free and open to the public. Meet in the Collins Learning Center, 2041 Michigan St. Sturgeon Bay.
Find out more »Meeting of the Door County Beekeepers Club
Over the past few years, the club has acquired quite a bit of equipment for members to use. We have adult and child bee suits, honey extractors (3), honey filtering screens, honey pails, Oxalic Acid vaporizers (2), and a number of other items. This year we purchased a 4-frame electric extractor. All these items are available for members use at any time. At 7:00 p.m., folks will have the opportunity to see honey directly harvested from a Flowhive. We will…
Find out more »Nature Mornings at the Crossroads – Glaciers to Great Lakes
Join one of our naturalists for some free family-oriented activities and nature exploration. The glaciers provided Wisconsin with an amazing gift – our Great Lakes! We’ll explore how glacial ice has transformed our landscapes. Free and open to the public. Meet at the Collins Learning Center, 2041 Michigan St., Sturgeon Bay.
Find out more »Pollinator Pals
If you like to garden and are interested in giving our native pollinators a helping hand, Crossroads at Big Creek could use your help! Pollinator Pals gardening volunteers are meeting at the Collins Learning Center to work on restoring the front Pollinator Garden. We will provide instruction, any needed equipment and coffee. Meet at the Collins Learning Center, 2041 Michigan St., Sturgeon Bay.
Find out more »Summer Explorers
Break out the bug nets and the boots! Join with a Crossroads’ naturalist in exploring the fascinating life living on the preserve. The whole family is welcome as we take a stroll, collecting bugs, searching for frogs, crayfish and much more. Dress for stream walks and the weather. Free and open to the public. Meet at the Collins Learning Center, 2041 Michigan St., Sturgeon Bay.
Find out more »Friday Make and Take at the Crossroads
Join a Crossroads Naturalist and explore nature through artistic and creative activities. Each week, families will get to make and take home a nature-inspired craft. Meet at the Collins Learning Center. 2041 Michigan St., Sturgeon Bay
Find out more »Habitat Healers
Help heal the earth! Volunteers of all ages are invited to help with our land restoration efforts. Wear clothing and footgear that can get dirty and wet and bring water bottle. Meet at the Workshop 2041 Michigan St., Sturgeon Bay.
Find out more »Nature Mornings at the Crossroads – Great Lakes Fish and other Creatures
Join one of our naturalists for some free family-oriented activities and nature exploration. Suitable for all ages. This time we look at our great lakes fish. Discover the wonders of our Lake Michigan fisheries. Meet at the Collins Learning Center. 2041 Michigan St., Sturgeon Bay.
Find out more »Nature Mornings at the Crossroads – Nature Safari
Join one of our naturalists for some free family-oriented activities and nature exploration. Suitable for all ages. This time we look at our amazing insects – Let’s find the secrets of insects as they transform from egg to adult. Hand lenses and collection sets provided. Meet at the Collins Learning Center, 2041 Michigan St., Sturgeon Bay.
Find out more »Nature Mornings at the Crossroads – Fabulous Fliers
Join one of our naturalists for some free family-oriented activities and nature exploration. This time we look at migration. Experience the mysteries of migration in our fields and woodlands. Some creatures travel 10,000 miles or more to make it to our preserve. Free and open to the public. Meet at the Collins Learning Center. 2041 Michigan Street, Sturgeon Bay.
Find out more »April 2024
Every Day is Earth Day : Capturing the Energy of the Sun
A celebration of energy in nature featuring demonstrations, nature journaling walks, films, tree planting with The Big Plant, demonstrations, citizen science, and other family-fun activities. Free trees, free wildflowers seeds, conditions permitting, Safe Solar Viewing and Naturalist-led Sucker Run Tour. In the Collins Learning Center and grounds of Crossroads at Big Creek, 2041 Michigan, Sturgeon Bay. 1:00-4:00--Habitat Healers: Earth Day Plantings with The Big Plant This week volunteers will be planting tree seedlings! Wear clothing and footgear that can get dirty…
Find out more »League of Women Voters Forum: The Big Stink – A Question of Manure
The League of Women Voters invites you to a public forum surrounding the topic of manure. Manure management is a complicated subject, especially given Door County’s Dairy fragile karst substrate and the importance of water health. We hope to make sense of the benefits and challenges of manure management through a presentation involving regulators, farmers and environmental experts. Free and open to the public. Meet at the Collins Learning Center, 2041 Michigan, Sturgeon Bay.
Find out more »Crossroads Book Club
This month we’re reading Rooted by Lyanda Lynn Haupt. Crossroads will have a few copies of the book available to borrow if needed. Whether you’ve read the book yet or not, we would love for you to join us as we explore the stories, ideas, and concepts shared within the pages of this awesome books! Gather around the fireplace at the Collins Learning Center, Crossroads at Big Creek, 2041 Michigan Sturgeon Bay.
Find out more »July 2024
Summer Nature Program: Fantastic Flyers
Tuesday, July 16 10:00 am Summer Nature Program: Fantastic Flyers Learners of all ages can experience the mysteries of migration in our fields and woodlands. Some creatures travel 10,000 miles or more to make it to our preserve. Free and open to all ages .Meet at the Collins Learning Center. 2041 Michigan, Sturgeon Bay
Find out more »August 2024
Monarch Tagging Day
Join with Wild Ones-Door Peninsula and Crossroads for our annual monarch tagging program. Starting in the lecture hall, Naturalist Karen Newbern will describes the monarch life cycle and migration patterns. Then (hopefully, migration tends to be weather driven) participants are invited to help capture and tag these stunning orange and black butterflies which are on their way to Mexico. Instructions, nets and tags provided. No reservations necessary. Free and open to the public.
Find out more »