$427,000 in giving to 50 Door County nonprofits in 20 giving events

Door County, Wis. (May 1, 2023) – The 100+ Women Who Care of Door County (100+WWC) Giving Circle continues to have a philanthropic impact. The phrase that best sums up this Giving Circle’s drive is “Do Good, Feel Good, Gather, Have Fun with 100+WWC!
At the April 24th Giving Event, three nonprofits: Friends of Gibraltar, Boys & Girls Club of Door County, and The Clearing Folk School discussed their organizations and initiatives. Boys & Girls Club of Door County received the primary award of approximately $14,000 and the opportunity to apply for a $5,000 grant from the Richard M Schulze Family Foundation.
“I am proud to be part of the Door County Boys & Girl Club (B&GCDC),” shared Chelsea Dahms, Director of Programs & Operations. “I am helping to shape the future leaders of our community and unlocking doors to opportunities kids might not even know existed for them.”
“The generous investment from 100+ WWC will help to support the staffing, programming costs, and summer scholarships for Camp LeVoy, our all-day summer enrichment program”, added Lisa Kogan-Praska, CEO Boys & Girls Clubs of the Bay & Lakes Region.
Christine Szafraniec, 100+WWC member, was excited to share her experience. “Giving my voice to tell the story of the Boys and Girls Club of Door County was both an exciting and humbling experience. Each child and each family who participates in the services provided by the B&GCDC benefit from a safe, healthy, positive, and nurturing environment.”
Friends of Gibraltar (FoG) and The Clearing Folk School will also each receive approximately $7000. A total of $28,000 was awarded in one hour.
Sue Baldwin Fund, represented by Carrie Baldwin Smith, President, was the returning award recipient and updated the group on the foundation’s services and the results from the January 2022 100+WWC gift.
The nonprofits to be considered for the next quarterly award were randomly drawn from member nominations. These nonprofit organizations are: Newport Wilderness Society, Peninsula Symphonic Band, and Open Door Bird Sanctuary.
The 100+WWC members that nominated these nonprofits and nonprofit representatives will present a summary of their nonprofit and answer questions at the next 100+WWC Giving Circle event on July 17th, 2023 via LiveStream or outside at the Peg Egan Performing Arts Center, 7840 Church St, Egg Harbor.
This Giving Circle, which celebrates 5 years in July, has grown to 382 givers (individuals and teams) and has awarded over $427,000 to 50 Door County nonprofit organizations. To join this exciting group of local women and help make an even bigger local impact, visit 100wwcDoorCounty.org.