By Jim Berkenstock, Midsummer’s Music
You probably know that we often refer to Midsummer’s Music in the shortened form of MM, which is also why we have the M&Ms at our concerts. But lately, I have been thinking, maybe MM should also stand for “Much More.” Recently, you received two emails: One from violist, Sally Chisholm, and one from Executive Director and violist, Allyson Fleck, detailing how much they cherish the warm MM and Griffon community and appreciate your support.
If you were to write of your experience with MM, it would be from a different perspective, perhaps as a concertgoer in the summer, or someone who follows the Griffon String Quartet throughout the winter. We each have our view into the window of what’s going on, but it is incomplete. As Board President and Artistic Director, I attend a lot of events, and even so, my view is not totally comprehensive. But what I do know is, that few of us can appreciate the extensive reach of MM throughout the community. After all, we are a chamber music organization. We are small, intimate, and pretty casual. Right? So it would seem on the surface, but please let me paint a different picture. Maybe MM should stand for “Mighty Mouse,” for this is truly the Mouse that roars!
The list of activities below, characteristics, and accomplishments that populate our MM/Griffon year begin to suggest the magnitude of Midsummer’s offerings. I hope you’ll scroll down and take a look.
As you can see from that extensive list, MM is not a small, cute operation. It is a mighty musical conglomerate servicing our community from top to bottom and inside out, bay to lake, and across the reaches of Brown and Door counties. Through the Griffon, especially, we are reaching children, the elderly, and the disadvantaged, and most of these efforts are low-cost or free for the participants. We are engaging people who have never experienced the joy of great music, and we are changing lives.
But, big efforts require strong support. This year, we must raise more than $400,000, and most of that comes in the form of year-end contributions. This is critical to our ability to sustain and grow our vital programs. As cost-conscious as we try to be, we also feel the effects of inflation. Please continue your generous support once again this year—and perhaps increase it if you can. If you haven’t yet become a supporter, please do so now, and even go back to the insert to see the many ways your donation helps.
And finally, want to make an even bigger impact? How about having your contribution matched? Yes, if you contribute before the end of the year – for MM or the Griffon – contributions of up to $50,000 will be matched by two of our most generous donors. We have many special events for you, our support family, and we look forward to welcoming you at them as often as possible.
Thank you for your generosity and have a wonderful holiday season—and don’t forget to keep your eyes and ears open for the Griffon with their pop-up caroling. You know it’s Christmas when you hear the Griffon at the Pig and Main Street Market!
Every gift is important—Every gift counts. Thank you for being such a good friend to Midsummer’s Music and the Griffon String Quartet!