Fish Creek, Wis. (November 11, 2020) — Governor Tony Evers announced that $15 million in COVID-19 Cultural Organization Grants has been awarded to 385 cultural organizations across Wisconsin. Peninsula Players Theatre is thrilled to be one of the 15 Door County cultural organizations to receive a grant.
The COVID-19 Cultural Organizations Grant Program, administered by the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA), provides grants to nonprofit organizations whose primary missions are to produce, present, or exhibit cultural disciplines such as music, dance, theater, literature, visual arts or environmental or scientific interest items. Grant awards can be used to cover pandemic-related impacts such as lost revenue, increased workers’ compensation costs, cleaning and sanitization, and purchase of services or equipment to facilitate telework by employees.
“Just like small businesses, cultural organizations have taken a major financial hit,” said DOA Secretary Joel Brennan. “We’re all in this together. We hope that these funds will make it possible for us to be able to enjoy the museums, theaters, and music from these organizations once it is safe to do so again.”
Cultural organizations aid in the mental health, physical and emotional well being of communities throughout Wisconsin. Peninsula Players Theatre was one of two Door County cultural organizations to receive the maximum amount an organization may receive, $137,712.39.
“The ongoing world health crisis necessitated the closure of performing arts venues across the entire country during 2020 which had a direct impact on Peninsula Players Theatre and a number of other Door County not-for-profit arts organizations,” said Managing Director Brian Kelsey. “For many of us, this meant a loss of some or all planned 2020 operating revenue. At Peninsula Players Theatre, tickets sales cover the majority of our fixed and variable costs and with the total loss of all operating revenue this year, it placed great financial stress on the organization. We are very grateful to Governor Tony Evers and the Department of Administration for assisting cultural organizations throughout the state of Wisconsin during this time of crisis, a time when the arts are more important than ever.”
Wisconsin’s arts and cultural organizations are anchor institutions that enhance their communities’ social and economic well-being and inspire hope, especially in difficult times. The arts are significant participants in Wisconsin’s economy, providing more than $657 million to the economy annually and support 26,695 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs. (Source: Americans for the Arts, Arts and Economic Prosperity 5, 2015 data).
More information regarding the COVID-19 Cultural Organization Grant Program is available here. A full list of grant winners is available here.
Peninsula Players Theatre, America’s Oldest Professional Resident Summer Theatre, canceled its 85th season in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The theater traditionally produces a five-show season of Broadway-quality comedies, dramas and musicals; learn more about Peninsula Players Theatre at www.peninsulaplayers.com.