Write On is proud to be a partner in the Door County Reads program, a partnership that began our very first year. The selection for this year’s program is Leif Enger’s novel Virgil Wander.
After his car flies off the road into icy Lake Superior, small-town movie house owner, Virgil Wander, emerges into a world no longer familiar to him. With help from the residents of Greenstone, a defunct industrial port city, Virgil begins to piece together his personal history as well as the lore of his broken town. Virgil Wander is a swift, full journey into the heart and heartache of an often overlooked American Upper Midwest.
Free copies of the books will be available at all Door County Library branches beginning November 29, 2019 (while supplies last), and it’s also available on Infosoup.org in regular print, large print, playaway, and audiobook, along with Overdrive (e-book), HooplaDigital (e-book), and rbDigital (e-audiobook).
Pass it around, keep it, or return them to the library to share in the story. The free copies of these books are made possible with the support of Door County Library Foundation and The Friends of Door County Libraries
As part of Write On’s partnership in the program, they will present two free writing workshops in January on writing about your hometown.