Ephraim, Wis. (December 1, 2021) – Santa Claus will be in Ephraim on December 4 and bringing lots of holiday cheer! Carriage rides will be available from Village Hall from 2:30–4pm. Then Santa will be arriving at Village Hall at 3pm on a fire truck!
Warm up inside with visits with Santa and activity tables full of holiday fun. Take a short walk over to Olson Park to meet Santa’s elves and reindeer, too! Santa will then make his way over to the Harborside Park gazebo at 5pm to light the beautiful Christmas tree!
Local businesses will also be holding open houses during the day. Click on the flyer for more details.
Sponsored by the Ephraim Business Council. For more information please call the Ephraim Visitor Information Center at 920-854-4989.