Ephraim, Wis. (November 24, 2020) – Ephraim Business Council will hold a modified Christmas in the Village celebration on Saturday, December 5, 2020.
Santa Claus will be arriving in Harborside Park at 5 pm on Saturday, December 5, on an Ephraim Fire Department vehicle. Santa will light the Christmas tree in the gazebo and welcome the holiday season. Attendees are encouraged to practice social distancing and wear masks to maintain a safe environment for all.
Prior to the tree lighting, participating Ephraim businesses will be distributing gift bags with a decorate-your-own children’s mask kit and a holiday treat. The bags will be available Friday, December 4, and Saturday, December 5, at Eagle Harbor Inn, High Point Inn, Pine Grove Resort, and Vintique Resale. Children are encouraged to wear their decorated mask to the tree lighting Saturday evening.
The Ephraim Library is hosting a virtual story time at 10:30 am on the library’s Facebook page. It will be approximately a half hour and feature stories read by Ephraim residents, songs by Cyndy Stiehl, and an instructional craft lesson. The recording will be available on the library’s page until the end of the year. Grab-and-go craft kits will be available outside the library from December 5 through December 12. Children’s Christmas books will also be available for pick up outside the library on December 5 at no charge (one per child).
The Ephraim Moravian Church will be holding a drive-through event in their back parking lot from 1 pm to 4 pm to distribute wreath-making materials, Christmas Eve candles, Watchword, and Moravian sugar cake. Contact the church office at 920-854-2804 or worship@ephraimmoravian.org by Monday, November 30, to place your order for the items. Donations will be accepted for the Secret Santa organization that helps with their heating and repairs during the winter.
For additional information regarding Ephraim and Christmas in the Village, please visit www.ephraim-doorcounty.com.