Playing the harp is an amazing gift that you can give to yourself and to others. And as the adage goes, it’s a gift that keeps on giving. The harp appeals to people of all ages and all walks of life. Uniquely among musical instruments, it can also be played and enjoyed at any skill level. As a result, most people play the harp for their own pleasure and enrich their lives.
Irish/Celtic and Gothic harps are the specialty of Handverks Music & Harp Studio in Sister Bay. The company offers harps in six different models and sizes, from 22 to 34 strings, plus customization and repairs. Visit Handverks’ harp showroom to experience how easy and fun it is to play one of these beautiful, spiritual instruments. You can also listen to harp sound samples or watch videos on the company’s website. Handverks also offers other folk instruments such as ukuleles, recorders, ocarinas, mandolins and their related music books.
Handverks is located at 10055 State Hwy 57 just south of Sister Bay, near the intersection of Hwy 57 and County Hwy Q. Open daily May-October and winter hours by appointment.
Email:; 920 421 2686;