Sturgeon Bay, Wis. (May 21, 2021) – How is the climate crisis already changing Door County? And what will we face in the future? How will the Door County landscape and waters we all treasure be impacted?
Steve Vavrus, senior scientist at the Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research, UW-Madison, and co-director of the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI), will address these questions at 7 pm Wednesday, June 2. Register for this virtual event here: His talk is free and
open to the public.
Vavrus will discuss the latest work from WICCI, a collaborative project of the Nelson Institute and the Department of Natural Resources. He will address projected climate impacts across the state with a particular focus on northeastern Wisconsin and Door County.
Vavrus uses computer climate models and observational data to understand how our climate is changing across the world, including in Wisconsin. Extreme weather events are an important theme of his research, particularly how climate change might affect them.
He is a long-time member of WICCI’s Climate Working Group. He received Ph.D. and master’s degrees in meteorology at the University of Wisconsin and a bachelor’s degree in meteorology at Purdue University. He and his wife have a summer home in Ellison Bay.
Vavrus’s talk is the third presentation headlining the Climate Change Coalition’s 2021 Season of Action, which also includes a summer-long series of educational field trips exploring sustainable agriculture and climate impacts on local flora, fauna, and wetlands. More information is at