Living History is an activity that brings a trade from a bygone era to life. Gibraltar Historical Association has teamed up with Door County’s Thumbs Up Riders to bring old together with the new by demonstrating horse shoeing at Noble Square. See live horses, the bending of metal, and learn how to shoe a horse properly. Alexander Noble was Fish Creek’s blacksmith. Likely the most important man in town, he was able to fix boats and carriages, make hardware and tools, and shoe horses. A fond lover of horses, his buggy whip still domes the coat rack in the museum today.
Visit Noble Square, on the corner of Main Street in beautiful Fish Creek, on Wednesday, August 22 from 10:00am-3:00pm to view Heather Richards demonstrates the art of horse shoeing. She will show different methods of shoeing, make a handmade shoe from bar stock, have a variety of shoes on display from work horse to specialty and, if time permits, she will create a few hooks or picks from a molten metal bar. While visiting the square, learn the difference between a Farrier and a Blacksmith. Also on hand will be event specific coloring pages for young and old alike.
Visitors are invited to bring stories, artifacts and pictures that capture the history of Gibraltar and Fish Creek. The event is free and all are welcome to attend.
While visiting Noble Square, take a tour of the Alexander Noble House! Built in 1875, the house is oldest wood frame home in Fish Creek and was lived in only by descendants of the Noble family. The 2018 exhibit is “A House in Mourning,” depicting Alexander Noble’s funeral; Victorian-era funerals were surrounded with custom and ritual and dictated by the rules of etiquette. Enjoy stepping back in time and walk away with a new meaning for phrases from our past. Open: Tuesday – Saturday, 10:00am-3:00pm at a small fee of $5.00.
GHA is a non-profit sharing history with our community and visitors. Contact us at:, 920-868-2091. Find us at or Thumbs up Riders can be contacted at www.gdhta.orgor 920-421-1834 or