Fish Creek, Wis. (Oct 11, 2021) – On Sunday, October 17, at 7 p.m, Manitowoc Minute’s Charlie Berens will offer up his wildly popular Wisconsin-centric comedy on the Door Community Auditorium (DCA) Main Stage.
Comedian, actor, and Emmy-winning journalist Charlie Berens returns to DCA by popular demand. A rising star nationwide, Berens is the creator and star of “Manitowoc Minute,” a viral online video series lampooning the Wisconsin culture he knows and loves so well.
The Green Bay Press-Gazette calls Berens “funny as heck…It takes one to know one, and oh my gosh, does Charlie Berens know us.”
Berens has been featured on Fox, CBS, Funny or Die, TBS Digital, Variety, MTV News and more, and his comedic mashups including “If Jack Dawson Was Really From Wisconsin” have garnered more than 13 million views. As the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel opined: “‘Da Manitowoc Minute’ sure is a knee-slapper, ain’t it?”
Charlie Berens’s performance is made possible with support from major sponsors Dave’s Tree Service and Nicolet Bank; as well as supporting sponsors Richard and Barbara Board, Door County Medical Center, and Peninsula Pulse.
The show begins at the Packer-friendly time of 7 p.m. on Sunday, October 17. Tickets range from $32 to $52. Face masks are required regardless of vaccination status. Audience members are encouraged to visit the DCA website for more information about current Covid protocols. Advance reservations are recommended and can be made through the DCA box office, located at 3926 Highway 42 in Fish Creek. The box office is open Monday-Friday, 12-5 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in person, on the phone at (920) 868-2728, or online at