The Door County Visitor Bureau’s 92nd Annual Meeting took place on Wednesday October 18, 2017 at Horseshoe Bay Golf Club near Egg Harbor.
Around 140 business leaders enjoyed a beautiful dinner at Horseshoe Bay Golf Club on October 18th for the Door County Visitor Bureau’s (DCVB) 92nd annual meeting.
The evening started with a 5:30pm social hour followed by dinner and the annual meeting at 6:30pm. The official business of the night took place when new DCVB board members Leslie Gast (Nicolet Bank), Ben McMahon (Door County Brewing Company), and Ann Renard (Renard’s Cheese) were voted in by those members present. Gast, McMahon and Renard will begin their terms in January 2018.
Craig (Nedd) Neddersen, chairman of the DCVB Board of Directors surprised Jack Moneypenny, President/CEO of the DCVB during the event with a presentation of an award for his 10 years of service. Moneypenny was hired as CEO in October 2007. “Over the last 10 years Jack has orchestrated a branding, public relations, and member service renaissance, said Neddersen” “What the DCVB has achieved is outstanding and we see lots of statistics quantifying those achievements,” he said.
The meeting ended with the DCVB’s Certified Tourism Ambassador (CTA) Employer of the Year award. CTA administrators Yvonne Torres and Laura Kevin presented the award to Segway the Door Tours owner Nick Dokolas. Laura Kevin expressed “how employees of Segway the Door spoke very highly of their boss and how Dokolas is eager to help with the CTA program in any way.” Since the class’s inception in 2009 approximately 1,000 people have been certified in Door County.
The Door County Visitor Bureau is the official tourism marketing organization for Door County, whose mission is to generate incremental economic impact for the community by attracting visitors with strategies that ensure sustainable tourism.