Local Door County author Katherine Hastings has released her newest romance novel, and the first in a series set in Door County. The Other Half is a romantic comedy that takes place primarily in Baileys Harbor.
The Door Peninsula Passions series are full-length romance novels set throughout the Door Peninsula. Each book will feature a different Door County location, with the second novel, The Other Room, set in Sister Bay and releasing August 15.
“I had so much fun writing these romantic comedies set in Door County. In The Other Half, we have a spoiled New York socialite who went one step too far and got shipped up to Baileys Harbor to prove she could live without her riches and famous name. She gets quite a culture shock when she has to live in a little shack on Kangaroo Lake and get her first job… which is slinging drinks at none other than the Blue Ox. All the locations in my books are real, and I loved ‘seeing’ my characters in familiar places and envisioning them running around Door County.”
Hasting has six other novels published, a mixture of historical and contemporary romance. A graduate of Gibraltar High School, Hastings has spent most of her life in Door County.
“I knew I had to write a series of books set here in Door County. It’s my favorite place in the world and I’m excited to introduce people to our community. In several of the advanced editorial reviews for The Other Half, the reviewers who’d never heard of us mentioned how much they would like to come visit here after reading about it. That makes me happy that I did my job in portraying our community as the little paradise it is.”
All of Hastings’ books can be found in both print and digital forms on Amazon, and will soon be available locally in various locations. Any local businesses that wish to carry these romance novels in their stores can reach out to Katherine at katherine@katherinehastings.com. For more information on her books, visit www.katherinehastings.com.