Friday, July 2nd – Trees and Shrubs of Door County – 11:00 am
Join arborist and horticulturist Tom Wolfe as he shares his vast knowledge about trees and shrubs. There will plenty of time for questions. Weather permitting, we may spend some time in the woods. Meet in the Nature Center, parking lot 1.
Wednesday, July 7th - OutWiGo! The Trails of Newport Challenge Hike #5 - 9:00
As part of the OutWiGo statewide initiative to get outside with healthy activities, Challenge Hikes are getting us out on the trails. Join the park naturalist on this weekly hike. When we are done, we’ll have hiked every trail in Newport State Park, enjoying all it has to offer. Trails get longer as the season progresses. On the last day (Sept 1st), we’ll tally our miles and enjoy a pot luck picnic together. This week’s hike will be Sand Cove/Duck Bay Trail, a two-mile loop. All are welcome to participate, whether you do one hike or all of them! Meet at Lot 3.
Friday, July 9th - Herb Hike - 10:00 am
Dave LaLuzerne was born with a green spark in his heart. (Interestingly, his last name is the French word for alfalfa.) Nurtured through pharmacy school and many years as an herbal pharmacist in his own herb shop, he now finds his passion is educating people about the numerous and wondrous ways to use herbs for our health and well-being. Door County has a wealth of herbs that can be beneficial to your health and well-being. This walk will explore the herbs in our local environment. Learn how the plants that flourish in this climate can help you flourish as well. Meet at the Nature Center, Lot 1.
Saturday, July 10th - Meet the Monarchs! – 10:00-11:30 am
Join the park naturalist as she explains all about monarchs amazing life cycle. See the active nursery and get more information about gardening for pollinators and Citizen Science projects. Meets in the Nature Center.
Wednesday, July 14th - OutWiGo! The Trails of Newport Challenge Hike #6 - 9:00
As part of the OutWiGo statewide initiative to get outside with healthy activities, Challenge Hikes are getting us out on the trails. Join the park naturalist on this weekly hike. When we are done, we’ll have hiked every trail in Newport State Park, enjoying all it has to offer. Trails get longer as the season progresses. On the last day (Sept 1st), we’ll tally our miles and enjoy a pot luck picnic together. This week’s hike will be Lynd Point Trail, a 2.5 mile loop. All are welcome to participate, whether you do one hike or all of them! Meet at Lot 3.
Saturday, July 17th (rain date, July 18th ) - Wisconsin Bat Monitoring State Wide Bat Count – 8:00 – 9:30 pm
Help our state bats by participating in this Citizen Science program. Our hibernating bats are in great danger of being wiped out because of white-nose syndrome (WNS), a white, powdery fungus on the muzzle of infected bats that causes die offs of multiple species of bats in infected hibernation sites. This statewide survey is an important tool to help monitor the number of bats that have been affected by WNS. No experience is necessary, just a willingness to help. We will meet at the Nature Center, Lot 1, for brief instruction.
Wednesday, July 21st - OutWiGo! The Trails of Newport Challenge Hike #7- 9:00
As part of the OutWiGo statewide initiative to get outside with healthy activities, Challenge Hikes are getting us out on the trails. Join the park naturalist on this weekly hike. When we are done, we’ll have hiked every trail in Newport State Park, enjoying all it has to offer. Trails get longer as the season progresses. On the last day (Sept 1st), we’ll tally our miles and enjoy a pot luck picnic together. This week’s hike will be Newport/Ridge Trail, a three-mile loop. All are welcome to participate, whether you do one hike or all of them! Meet at Lot 3.
Friday, July 23rd – Monarch Madness – 1:00
Join the park naturalist and visit the monarch nursery, seeing them at their various stages of growth. You will learn about their amazing life cycle and help release any monarchs that may be ready to go. Meets in the Nature Center.
Wednesday, July 28th - OutWiGo! The Trails of Newport Challenge Hike #8 - 9:00
As part of the OutWiGo statewide initiative to get outside with healthy activities, Challenge Hikes are getting us out on the trails. Join the park naturalist on this weekly hike. When we are done, we’ll have hiked every trail in Newport State Park, enjoying all it has to offer. Trails get longer as the season progresses. On the last day (Sept 1st), we’ll tally our miles and enjoy a pot luck picnic together. This week’s hike will be Hotz/Europe Bay Trail, a three-mile loop. All are welcome to participate, whether you do one hike or all of them! Meet at the parking area for Hotz Memorial Park at the end of Europe Bay Road.
All programs are free, but a state park admission sticker is required on all vehicles. Some programs are weather related, so check with the park if you have any questions.
Group sizes vary and may be limited to promote social distancing. Participants are encouraged to practice social distancing, frequent hand washing and to wear face covering if social distancing cannot be maintained. All programs will be outdoors. If you are feeling ill or experiencing symptoms of Covid-19, we ask that you refrain from participating in this program.