Not Even Remotely opened Northern Sky’s summer season with a limited virtual run in June.

Fish Creek, Wis. (July 8, 2021) – Beginning July 12, Northern Sky Theater will present the in-person version of its world premiere comedy Not Even Remotely in the company’s new Gould Theater in Fish Creek. The show will run through August 7, Monday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
Not Even Remotely is a hilarious, madcap romp of a story about Chris and Sam, two actors who have been planning a lavish, in-person musical version of Frankenstein. But when rehearsals are suddenly shut down, Chris and Sam are forced to perform a two-person, online version of the show instead.
Directed by Nadja Simmonds, Not Even Remotely features Doug Clemons and Alex Campea as Chris and Sam.
Not Even Remotely (book, music, and lyrics by Richard Carsey and Stephen Kovacs; story by Richard Carsey, Corrie Beula Kovacs, and Stephen Kovacs) was written to be presented virtually or in-person, and it opened Northern Sky’s summer season with a limited virtual run in June. The production in the Gould will be the show’s in-person world premiere.
Not Even Remotely will be Northern Sky’s first summer production in the new Gould Theater. While continuing its performance schedule in the park, the company will use the Gould to augment the season in a way that was not possible in the past.
“One of the major reasons for building a new theater was to have more control in scheduling our season and more assurances against weather-affected shows,” said Artistic Director Jeff Herbst. “The Gould gives us both, and with the success of Dad’s Season Tickets in this new space in fall of 2019, we are certainly encouraged to provide our audience with more opportunities to see programming indoors.”
The Gould Theater will be operating at 50% capacity. Masks are optional for all vaccinated patrons. All tickets must be purchased in advance; no walk-up sales available. Indoor tickets are $35 for adults, $20 for students, and $15 for children 12 and under. All seats are reserved.
Tickets may be purchased online at or via phone at (920) 854-6117. Ticket office hours are 12-7 p.m. Monday through Friday; 3-7 p.m. Saturday.
Northern Sky will also record this production so that patrons may watch the filmed performance if they prefer. The filmed performance will be available to watch after the show has finished in-person performances.
Not Even Remotely is generously sponsored by On Deck Clothing Company.