Sister Bay, Wis. (July 22, 2020) – Effective immediately, Door County Piggly Wiggly is joining other large retailers in requiring shoppers to wear a face mask when they visit our store in Sister Bay. While our staff has been wearing face masks for months, the decision to require guests to wear masks at all times ensures that we are doing our part to protect staff, guests, and our community. Face masks will be available when you enter the store and will be free to all visitors.
For those who cannot wear a face mask, Sister Bay Piggly Wiggly is still offering curbside delivery Monday-Friday. You can send your orders to or call (920) 854-2391.
Sister Bay Piggly Wiggly appreciates your understanding and support as they strive to do the best they can for their staff and our community. And they look forward to seeing all of your masked faces soon — just know that they’re smiling at you from behind their own masks! And as always, please stay safe out there!