Fastest Growing Village in County is What They Call Town of Sister Bay. Residents of Community are Wide Awake and Alert to Push Any Plan Which Will Please Guests.
“The fasted growing community on the peninsula,” that’s what they are saying about Sister Bay, and not far wrong at that, for the residents of this village are wide-awake, on the alert, to push any plan that will advance the community.
The community has everything that goes to make a complete village, not only for vacationists, but also as a year-round residence community, and more and more people come here to spend a pleasant vacation are choosing the village to build permanent homes, and dozens of prominent citizens who have first came to Sister Bay for the summer months and then like the friendly community so much that they have become all-year residents could be mentioned, like Professor J.C.M. Hanson, internationally known librarian, who again this year is improving his property here.
Each year it is becoming more and more the thing to do to meet in Sister Bay, even as the state highways do, for coming north from Sturgeon Bay on either Highway 57 or 42, you will end up at Sister Bay as the two highways join just as you enter the village. And as you enter the village, the first view is a “picture” one, for in entering the village your car suddenly comes to the crest of a long sloping hill, and there before you, or rather down below, is a scene of sheer beauty, the stores, hotels, residents, paved streets, and at night lighted to further the picture of a painting.
In the village, the visitors will find every type of commercial establishment for their convenience. The largest general department store in all Door County, outside of the city of Sturgeon Bay, is right at the foot of the hill as you enter the village. The largest building supply company in all Door County is in the heart of the community. Instead of just one or two garages to care for your motoring needs, Sister Bay has four, all staffed by expert mechanics. There are four cafes to care for the visitors besides the hotels, all of which are widely known for their appetizing, wholesome meals. There are two meat markets, besides the most modern cold storage plant in northeastern Wisconsin, three large and modern grocery stores, a beauty parlor, besides the best of accommodations in hotels and cottages.
Open year- round
The Sister Bay Hotel is open all year round; Hotel DuNord, Liberty Park Hotel and the Little Sister Resort provide the best in both hotel and cottage facilities. Then there is a long list of cottage groups, Edwards cottages, Jacobson cottages, Kellstrom cottages, Berns cottages, the Lamb group, and the Sunset Beach cottages.
The bathing beach in Sister Bay’s own waterfront park is ideal for bathing and boats of all types are available for fishing or pleasure. Tennis courts are near. Golf courses are only a short drive, in fact, nothing is missing to make the visitor’s stay pleasant, convenient, and enjoyable.
You are sure to be satisfied and have an enjoyable time on a vacation or just a weekend visit to the fastest-growing community on the Door County peninsula.
Liberty Park Well Known Sister Bay Resort
Liberty Park Hotel at the northern end of Sister Bay village, located on the main highway offers its summer guest a place far enough away from the hustle of the village proper so that complete rest and quiet may be obtained, yet so near to all types of recreation, that it hits a happy middle-ground suitable to all kind of guest whether they just wish to take it easy on vacation or fill their days with many activities, golf, tennis, fishing, swimming, horseback riding.
The meals here are home-cooked to please the most particular and are served in a home-like atmosphere where cooling breezes from the Bay furnishes nature’s own air-conditioning.
Many guests choose Liberty Park hotel for an entire summer’s stay, but whether it is for the season, a week or weekend, you’ll find this pleasant hotel an enjoyable place to spend your vacation.
Hanson’s Modern Store in Heart of Sister Bay
Just across the street from the new village hall and the waterfront park, in the very center of things at Sister Bay, is Orin Hanson’s modern, up-to-the-minute grocery store and meat market.
Hanson stocks the very best in groceries and each day fast truck service delivers fresh meats and vegetables to the store so that the customers are always assured of the best and freshest products obtained on the market when they shop at Hanson’s.
The floor plan here was designed to provide the utmost in customer convenience, and just at the side of the store, there is a large, graveled parking area so that the customers always find ample parking space for their cars.
Brodd’s Garage Offers Complete Service Line
For your complete motoring needs while in Sister Bay, Brood’s garage, right on the corner of the principal square of the village, is the place to stop. Whether you merely want your oil checked, some gas, or a major repair job, Brodd offers the motorist a complete service with courteous attendants to care for your every need.
Brodd is also Chevrolet and General Electric agent and offers a complete and service on these two nationally known products. If you are going fishing, Brodd’s will gladly furnish you with the desired information.
Sister Bay Hotel is Summer Headquarters
For an extra slice of vacation pleasure, plan to make Tony Paul’s Sister Bay Hotel headquarters while on the Door County peninsula this summer. Located on the principal corner in the village, Paul’s Sister Bay Hotel offers the vacationist complete service in every way. Cool, comfortable sleeping rooms and the best is food.
In the tavern, your favorite drink is mixed the way you like it, and the ballroom name bands play for dancing twice weekly. For the fisherman, the service is something to brag about, boats and complete fishing tackle are available. And after the fishing trip, there is no friendlier place to meet with friends and relive the day’s events. Paul’s Sister Bay Hotel makes the ideal summer headquarters.
Trading Post Fills Every Vacation Need
In a pioneer day, the “Post” was a place where the pioneer could obtain everything needed in his daily life, and the Sister Bay Trading Post takes a leaf from those long-ago days and stocks a complete line of things you need while vacationing in Sister Bay.
This modern store is located on the main street at Sister Bay at the northern end of the village, and oh its grocery shelves carry the well-known Volunteer brand of goods.
A stop at the Trading Post will supply all your vacation needs and you will be served by courteous clerks who delight to please you.
Steed Cottages Near Shore in Sister Bay
For comfort, convenience, and a real rest on your Sister Bay vacation, the George Steed cottages offer the summer visitor the ideal place for an enjoyable weekend or a season. Located near the shore in the heart of Sister Bay, the cottages are modern, clean, and completely furnished for your comfort.
If you plan to vacation in Sister Bay Steed’s cottages would be a happy choice.
Bus Line has Safety Record
For the summer vacationist who does not care to drive to the Door County peninsula, the Lakes and Bay View Bus line offers ideal transportation facilities.
This old-established line has all modern, high-speed buses of the very latest design for the comfort and safety of its patrons, and since it was established by the present owner, Ernest Isaacson, the company has never had one of its buses in any kind of an accident, a record unequaled by few public bus lines anywhere.
The buses run from Gills Rock on the northern tip of the peninsula, where they make the connection with the Washington Island ferry, through Sturgeon Bay, and to Manitowoc where they connect with all trains from Milwaukee and Chicago. At Sturgeon Bay, its buses connect with those from Green Bay, and from Sturgeon Bay north, run on each side of the peninsula; on the Green Bay side through Carlsville, Egg Harbor, Juddville, Fish Creek, Ephraim, Sister Bay, Ellison Bay, and on up to Gills Rock, and on the Lake Michigan side through Institute, Valmy, Jacksonport, Baileys Harbor, then into Sister Bay and on north to Gills Rock.
The complete schedule of all buses will be cheerfully furnished by the main office at Sister Bay upon request.
Kellstrom’s Cottages Fishing Headquarters
If you like the utmost in comfort and convenience, yet in home-like surroundings, Kellstrom’s cottages at the northern end of Sister Bay are an ideal choice. Up a tree-lined lane only a short walk from the main street of the village, the cottages are nestled in a shady grove of stately trees.
Down at the end of the lane, the resort has its own dock, with boats available, with competent guides to take the fisherman to the favorite fishing grounds out in the bay. And when the day’s fishing is over, you’ll doubly enjoy one of the modern comfortable cottages that Kellstrom’s offers for a restful night’s sleep.
Mary Ann Café Well Known for its Food
The Mary Ann café at Sister Bay is one of the best-known eating places in northern Door County. This wide and favorable note has been achieved in the only way an eating place justly deserves to be known, that by serving better foods.
Mrs. Peterson insists that every dish that leaves her spotless kitchen for the dining room be perfect before the waitress serves it to the guest. All meals are prepared under the direct supervision of Mrs. Peterson, who is an expert in old-fashion home cooking. The café is located in the heart of Sister Bay with ample parking space for all guests’ cars.
Cottage Sandwich Shop Specializes in Lunches
The Cottage Sandwich shop at Sister Bay is one of the pleasantly unique and unusual places that the summer visitor finds when visiting this resort center. On the principal street of the village, adjoining the waterfront park, the Cottage is modern in every way, but different.
One of the delicious sandwiches eaten here immediately calls for another, for the Poirers pride themselves on serving different, tasty sandwiches. Yet the full meal, prepared with the skill of experts may also be had at this delightfully different eating place.
Lamb Cottages on Way to Sister Bay Harbor
Cozy, comfortable cottages on their own little tree-lined avenue that leads to Sister Bay Harbor with its wide sandy beach, that Lamb group of vacation cottages are all that the summer visitor to Sister Bay would wish in a complete summer-time home.
Mrs. Lamb’s group of cottages just at the southern end of Sister Bay’s waterfront park are all modernly furnished, and here the summer visitor will find it always pleasantly cool even on the hottest summer days.
Mrs. Pisha Operates Café at Sister Bay
Dining at Mrs. Pisha’s café at Sister Bay is a pleasure. Here delicious home-cooked meals are served in the open-air screened pavilion, with a view of beautiful Sister Bay Harbor just in front of the diner.
Mrs. Pisha specializes in home-prepared meals, each separate meal served with those extra little touches that make dining an event rather than just another meal. Her pies, cake, and other pastries are all home-prepared as well as the general meal.
Roeser Lumber Firm Carries Large Stock
Whether it is a few minor items for a small repair job or complete materials for the building of a summer home on the Door County peninsula, the Roeser Lumber and Supply company at Sister Bay can furnish everything you need.
This old company now under the management of Robert and Lester Berns carries in stock one of the largest supplies of building materials in northeastern Wisconsin and will cheerfully cooperate in furnishing estimates on any size job. The company also carries a complete stock of fuels.