By Coggin Heeringa, Interpretive Naturalist, Crossroads at Big Creek, Inc.
There is always something to do at Crossroads Big Creek. Of course, the big question for many folks is “when will you start your Ski-for-Free program? We will offer it as snow conditions are adequate and we will post the conditions and open hours on the ticker running across the top of the Crossroads at Big Creek website
But to understand what makes conditions adequate, it’s good to know a little about snow. Most people have seen images of snowflakes – beautiful six-pointed, lace-like ice crystals. One can see that very little of a snowflake is actually water molecules but rather, air. And while most snowflakes do not complete their turbulent journey from the clouds in perfect form, they usually still have pointed edges so when they fall gently to the ground, if they land on any of their six points, a significant volume of air is trapped between individual flakes.
So what is a significant volume? Fresh, fluffy snow can be 90-95% trapped air. While this trapped air increases snow’s insulating qualities, it means if we “roll the trails” to flatten them, the air is forced out. Consequently, there is very little snow depth in which to set tracks. And while there are variables: moisture content of snow…temperature….[grooming is an art!] it usually takes at least six or seven inches of snow to create an adequate base.
But snow or no snow, we offer activities for learners of all ages. This Monday at 1:30pm, the Door County Master Gardeners Association will screen at pre-recorded webinar describing “Seed Starting for Vegetable Transplants.” All are welcome.
Tuesdays, we offer an after school program called Environmental Exploration. This outdoor program is geared toward elementary students but families can join us as we venture into the preserve to observe how animals find shelter in winter. An indoor program will be offered if weather conditions are unfavorable. And every Wednesday, we offer Wandering Wednesday at 1:30, a free naturalist-led hike to various areas of the Big Creek Preserve
Know that during open hours, families are invited to take advantage of our Nature Play Area (near the fish display on the Entry Level of the Collins Learning Center).
Also know that whatever the conditions, Crossroads trails are open all day every day free of charge.