Peninsula Singers registration and first rehearsal will be held at the Sturgeon Bay United Methodist Church, 836 Michigan Street on Monday, March 4 starting at 6:15 PM with registration and refreshments followed by practice starting at 7:00 PM. The Peninsula Singers is a non-profit, non-auditioned chorus that welcomes any singer of high school age or older. If you are enthusiastic about singing, have a good ear for music, good sense of rhythm, the ability to learn words and music either by ear, repetition or sight reading, you are welcome to come and learn more about the group. Membership dues are $25 for the Spring semester with waivers available.
The Peninsula Singers rehearse weekly on Mondays from 7:00-8:30 PM at the Sturgeon Bay United Methodist Church located at 836 Michigan Street. Our spring concerts will be held on Saturday and Sunday, May 18 and 19, 2019.
The group is actively seeking singers for all parts, but especially tenors. Anyone that can sing in the tenor range, whether male or female, is encouraged to come to the registration and learn more. The Singers’ two new co-directors, Mary Hall and Janet Anderson, as well as the Board of Directors will be available to answer questions at the registration, or you may go to the website at
No matter if it has been a while since you’ve sung or you are an active singer, please consider The Peninsula Singers this spring and join in the musical camaraderie.