Fish Creek, Wis. (June 3, 2020) — Peninsula Players Theatre is pleased to announce it was awarded a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board (WAB) through their Creation & Presentation program. Funds from the grant will support the Peninsula Players continued development and presentation of outstanding community programs and theatrical productions.
Peninsula Players was recognized for its long-term financial health, increasing attendance, range of programming and creative efforts to stimulate community interest. The awarding of this grant indicates the Peninsula Players’ programming and community engagement provides the highest level of excellence.
Peninsula Players Theatre’s community outreach includes pre-show seminars, post-show discussions, as well as The Play’s the Thing, a free winter play reading series the first Monday of February, March and April. This year the theater produced two of the three readings before the global pandemic limited public gatherings.
In consideration of the global health crisis, the theater canceled its summer shows and closed its grounds to the public until its planned re-opening in September. Peninsula Players Theatre intends to produce Richard Dresser’s “Rounding Third,” a delightful comedy about two odd-couple little league coaches from September 9 to October 18.
The theater will continue to monitor the national, state and local guidelines for social distancing and public gatherings. The theater will communicate any updates to its patrons via email, its website and social media.
The Wisconsin Arts Board, through its grant programs supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, helps to ensure that cultural resources like the Peninsula Players Theatre will continue to be integral to the quality of life in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Arts Board is the state agency which nurtures creativity, cultivates expression, promotes the arts, supports the arts in education, stimulates community and economic development and serves as a resource for people of every culture and heritage.
The Wisconsin Arts Board’s grants to arts and community organizations across the state help to make programs available to broad audiences and supports groups that undertake innovative programming, support creativity, artistic quality, community engagement, inspires curiosity as well as audience and patron development. Peninsula Players Theatre, America’s Oldest Professional Resident Summer Theatre, traditionally produces a five-show season of Broadway-quality comedies, dramas and musicals.
Learn more about Peninsula Players and its 2020 autumn season at