Write On partners with Door Community Auditorium to present Words on Water for the Fireside Coffeehouse Series. Presented annually as “Words on Fire,” the 2019 offering will be part of the county-wide celebration and discussion of water. The program will be held on Saturday, February 2, 7 pm, at the Door Community Auditorium in Fish Creek.
Write On has issued a call for poems with a water theme to be considered for the reading. Poems may be new or previously published. An editorial committee will review submissions and select poems for the event.
Poets agree to be available to read their poem(s) on Saturday, February 2, or to find a substitute if they are unable to take part. An ensemble will provide the music for the program, independent of the poems.
Submit your poems to jerod@writeondoorcounty.org with “Words On Water” in the subject line by 5 pm on Friday, December 7.
Write On, Door County is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Write On conducts programs to inspire people to write and share their stories at various venues throughout Door County.