By Laurel Ciohon
In the midst of the chaos that is Covid-19, many of us are looking for a glimpse of positivity anywhere we can find it, whether it’s neighbors helping neighbors with grocery shopping, uplifting photos on social media of how people are spending their time in quarantine, watching a happy movie, or Facetiming with family members across the country. Laura Sawosko, a summer resident of Washington Island who spends her winters in Nashville, is using music to bring some positivity to a disorienting, often scary time.
Laura, a Nashville singer/songwriter part of the year, also helps run her family’s business on Washington Island, the Albatross Drive-In. She recently wrote and recorded “Home,” which she originally intended to share only on Facebook, for the enjoyment of her Island friends and family. She didn’t realize how much positive feedback she’d receive, especially in this strange moment in history.
Sawosko says living in Nashville during the last 10 winters has really put things in perspective for her and the special place where she grew up. For ‘Home,’ she asked herself the question, “How do you explain Washington Island to someone who’s never been there?” She tried to put herself in someone else’s shoes, someone who could never even imagine a safe haven like this one. “No crime, no pollution, no stoplights, three bars to drink on a Friday night.” For her Nashville friends, Washington Island has been a place that only exists in the imagination, or in the movies. Miles from the concrete jungle of the city, for its residents the Island is truly a special and unique place to call home.
When asked about the upcoming tourism season on Washington Island amidst the spread of the Covid-19 virus, Laura is optimistic. She noted the Albatross hopes to be open no matter what, as it’s a drive-in restaurant and 100% takeout. Order at the window, then pick up your food at the window.
The young songwriter hopes to head back to Wisconsin in mid-May to begin spring cleaning and preparations for the summer season, she says, just as she does every year. She prays that everyone can focus on the positive during this difficult time and hopes visitors will soon be able to once again enjoy Washington Island’s many charms. In the meantime, she’s offered up her song “Home.”
The production of Laura Sawosko’s new CD “Home” has been delayed briefly due to the coronavirus crisis. Stay in touch with Laura by emailing her at: or visit her CDbaby or Shopify accounts for regular updates:
You can also purchase “Home” by visiting Washington Island, Wisconsin this summer and stopping by the Albatross Drive-in, where the CD will be on sale behind the Drive-in in the Alby’s Nest Tiki Bar.