Fish Creek, Wis. (September 21, 2023) – The Sinking of the Erie L. Hackley is considered the largest single sea disaster in the history of Green Bay waters. Join the Gibraltar Historical Society on October 3rd, the 120th anniversary of this tragedy, for the last Gibraltar Talks for the 2023 season. They will tell the story […]
Gibraltar’s Annual Tree Lighting 2022
Fish Creek, Wis. (November 21, 2022) – Gibraltar’s yearly event will bring back the charm of yesteryear. We invite young and old to bundle up and stroll down to Noble Square for our annual tree lighting and caroling. As snowflakes fall from the sky, Door County Carolers will lead the sing-along as guests sing along […]
Fish Creek’s Noble House Invites You to their Annual Tree Lighting Celebration
Fish Creek, Wis. (November 19, 2021) – Bundle up and head down to Noble Square in downtown Fish Creek at 5:00pm on December 4. Watch the snowflakes fall from the sky, sing carols by candle light and ring in the spirit of the Holiday Season as we sing “O Tannenbaum.” Gibraltar Historical Association keeps their tradition […]
Visit the Historic Alexander Noble House Museum in Fish Creek
Fish Creek, Wis. (August 2, 2021) – The historic Alexander Noble House Museum displays Fish Creek life from the late 1800s to the early 1900s, while introducing you to Alexander Noble and his accomplishments. Learn about Noble’s daughter, Ula, and granddaughter, Gertrude Howe, who were determined pioneers in fields unwelcome to females. You can also […]