Ephraim, Wis. (June 21, 2022) – The Hardy Gallery is pleased to announce the award winners of the 60th Annual Juried Exhibit. Out of 140 submissions from artists throughout the Peninsula and Midwest region, five individual artists were awarded financial merit awards for outstanding work, including Best in Show (Francis Hardy Legacy Award), Second, and Third Place Awards, the Julia Van Roo Bresnahan Artistic Achievement Award, and People’s Choice Award. In addition, three artists were awarded an Honorable Mention Award for exemplary work.
The winning artists are, First Place and People’s Choice Award Winner, Cynthia Holzum, “I Can Dance if I Want to,” Second Place Award Winner, Rosemary Stuart “Slow Stitched Eucalypti,” Third Place Award Winner, Karen Hertz Sumnicht “Here Believe We Can Live,” and Peter Ciesla “Ephemeral Pond” received the Julia Van Roo Bresnahan Artistic Achievement Award.
The artists selected to receive an Honorable Mention Award went to, Donna Brown, “Private Property”, Martha Seif “Neah Bay,” and Cindi Koshalek’s “Natures Garden”.
For 2022 we were grateful to have Door County native, Contemporary Photographer, and Educator, Terri Warpinski, to jury our Annual Juried Exhibit.
As always jurying can be an extremely difficult process but Warpinski walked away confident with her final choices and was able to award artwork that displayed the finest in craftsmanship, skill, and aesthetics.
The 60th Annual Juried exhibit is now on view until Sunday, July 10 closing at 3 p.m. A Juror Talk will be held online on June 17, and available on the Hardy’s website. For more information about upcoming events please check out the Hardy’s website www.thehardy.org.